Where does the Male Reality Calculator data come from
The Male Reality Calculator utilizes statistical data from two primary sources to generate its results:
Income and Marital Status Information:
The income and marital status data is derived from the 2020 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS) conducted by the United States Census Bureau. This survey provides valuable insights into the economic and social aspects of the population, including income levels and marital status.
Height and Body Mass Index (BMI) Information:
The height and BMI data are derived from the 2017-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The NHANES survey assesses individuals' health and nutritional status in the United States and includes measures such as height and BMI.
To enhance user experience, the calculator offers several filtering options:
- Exclude Married: By selecting this option, the calculator filters out individuals who are married or have an absent spouse, or are separated, leaving only those who are single, divorced, widowed, or never married.
- Race Options: The ASEC survey allows for 28 different race options, but the calculator simplifies this by presenting four options: All races and combinations, Non-Hispanic White, Pure Black, and Pure Asian.
- Exclude Obese: By selecting this option, the calculator filters out men with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher. BMI is calculated using weight and height measurements.
The challenge in generating reliable results arises because neither the ASEC survey nor the NHANES survey contains all the necessary details (age, marital status, race, height, BMI, and personal income) in one comprehensive sample. As a result, the calculator performs two separate searches income and body measures. It then combines the filtered results, considering age, marital status, and race, to arrive at a single percentage value.
However, it is essential to acknowledge some limitations in the calculation process. For example, the calculator does not account for income and height or weight correlations. Studies have shown that taller individuals may receive slightly higher incomes. Thus, processing the searches independently might lead to slight inaccuracies in the final percentage. Despite these limitations, the calculator provides a close approximation of reality. Nevertheless, it is advisable to interpret the final results with a degree of caution.
By offering this unique approach, the Male Delusion Calculator aims to shed light on societal perceptions and delusions related to income, height, and BMI among women. While the results may not be entirely precise, they serve as a starting point for encouraging critical thinking and challenging preconceived notions.